Breast Lift with Implants – Breast Enhancement Salinas

New mothers often experience self-consciousness and body issues, particularly ones having to do with their breasts. The breast lift with implants is a procedure preferred by mothers following pregnancy and breastfeeding.
To nurse a baby, the breasts must first swell to a much larger size with breast milk. Once a woman has finished breastfeeding, her breasts have typically changed in size and shape. There is usually a fair amount of sagging skin that comes along with a volume reduction like this, since the skin has trouble shrinking back down.
Not only will a breast lift with implants restore lost volume using breast implants, it will also trim away excess sagging skin to leave the area looking perky and firm.
To find out more about the numerous benefits offered by the breast lift with implants, speak with Doctors Matthew Romans and Jeremy Silk, two board-certified plastic surgeons. Contact us to make an appointment for a consultation.