Eye Lift – Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty Salinas

With an eye lift, a patient is able to look more youthful and alert. If you’re getting a lower eyelid eye lift, your plastic surgeon may be using the transconjunctival incision.
The transconjunctival incision is made in the inner bottom eyelid. After this small incision has been made, the plastic surgeon is free to reposition the eyelid’s fatty tissue deposits, recontouring the area and making it smoother and less puffy. Finally, the incision is sealed with medical sutures.
To find out more about lower eyelid surgery, the transconjunctival incision, and many other aspects of the eye lift procedure, make an appointment by contacting our office. With an appointment for a consultation, you’ll be able to speak with Doctors Matthew Romans and Jeremy Silk, two board-certified plastic surgeons with a great deal of skill.